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Please feel free to contact me to discuss any questions that are not answered below. 

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Is this a massage?  Do I take my clothes off?

NO.  It isn't a massage and please don’t.  It is hands-on, light-touch or no-touch energy work.  Think Mr. Myagi in The Karate Kid movie, when he "heals" Daniel with his hands.  It’s sort of like that but not in Hollywood time. If need be, my hands can be hovering, instead of touching. For me personally, I feel that humankind has lost sight of the energetic and psychological benefits of compassionate, appropriate physical touch, so I prefer to work hands-on.  The choice will always remain yours, based on your level of comfort and boundaries.  There is some light tapping near the end of the treatment, but nothing like you would receive during a massage. Clothing is kept on at all times.

Are you a Psychic?

No.  I am not what one would consider a "Psychic".  All energy workers do have a touch of the "Claires" in them, but that is not the cornerstone of the of Reiki modality I practice.  I do ask every new client on their intake form if they are open to intuitive "hits", should I receive any (I don't always), but I will never just spring them on you.  Do not feel bad about saying "No" to this aspect.  I respect your boundaries. 

What if I get emotional during our session?

This is what is called an "emotional release" and it is a perfectly natural and extremely beneficial phenomenon to experience during any kind of energy work.  This is your body's way of releasing stagnant, toxic energy densities and allowing room for the mind, body and spirit to accommodate the higher vibrational energies of Reiki.  I have had many clients cry, some that get the giggles, some that need to verbally get everything off their chest in that moment and some have jumped off my table, ran to the bathroom, threw up and came back a completely a different person!  Just know that whatever you experience or do not experience is uniquely YOUR experience.  No two people feel the effects of the energy in the same way.  Whatever happens for you emotionally - know you are safe in my Dojo.  No judgement.  No pressure to say more than you feel.  Just a listening compassionate ear, warm hands and a safe space to let go of all the "things" that are holding you back from the life you desire.

How should I prepare for my first session?

No preparation needed!  When I receive Reiki from others, I prefer to wear comfortable clothing, but it's completely up to you.  To de-stress before I arrive, I usually ensure that my family knows I'm taking some time for self-care and to not call me unless it's an emergency.  That is clearly not a requirement...maybe it's a mom thing?

What should I expect from my first session?

When you come to the studio for your initial visit, I will ask you to fill out a double sided form for your contact and medical information.  Once done, we will discuss your answers together so that I can make sure that I am completely understanding what brought you in to see me.  Afterwards, I will have you lay - fully clothed - on your back on the session table, to begin the process.  Channelling Reiki is at it’s most effective when I can concentrate on you, in the moment without conversation, but that does not mean in any way that you are not free to get something off of your heart or let me know something important. The energy will flow whether I think about it or not. I will check-in with you regularly at first that you are comfortable, but then I will just let you enjoy your time of peace and take my cues from you.  Unless pre-paid, payment will be collected at the end of our session.

What is Distance Reiki and how does it work?

Distance Reiki is a method we use when clients are unable to the studio for whatever reason.  I share Reiki using the Distance method to my family and clients in other provinces and countries regularly.  We agree upon a time for the session, we have a quick communication via text or video link, then we hang up.  They get comfortable for their session wherever they are and I do the same in my studio.  I text to tell them when I'm starting and then I text them again to say when I have finished.  THAT'S IT!  As to the "How?" of Distance Reiki, in scientific terms, my suspicion is that it would be considered Quantum Entanglement.  I believe Albert Einstein once described it as "Spooky Energy".  Obviously, I have no proof of any kind, only a suspicion, so please don't quote me on that.

Do you work with people in hospital/hospice?  What about people with terminal illness or end-of-life situations?

Yes.  In such situations, I am there for the family as a whole, not just for the hospice patient.  Repeat hospital visits will be charged a service fee that has been agreed upon by all parties prior to the sessions.  My time, however, for hospice and end-of-life sessions for established clients is free of charge (within the Lower Mainland).  Those sessions are freely given of compassion.  It is not a cure, and it is not intended to replace a doctor/psychiatrists advice and/or care, but it can help bring a sense of peace and/or calm in a heartbreaking situation.  Please call me to discuss.  

Is Reiki safe for pregnancy?

Yes.  Reiki is beneficial and safe mother and child alike.  Reiki energetically supports during pregnancy, during the birthing process, as well as after delivery.  Reiki addresses the symptoms of many issues, ranging from a difficult and emotional pregnancy,  to a difficult delivery and recovery, as well as post-partum depression.  Reiki is born of love and source energy and can not harm the mother or the child.  

Do you work with children?  Is it safe?

Yes, I do work with children 13 years and older.  In fact, I do sessions on my own regularly!  When I can see they are spiralling in a negative direction or getting run-down, I bring them to my studio for a refresh and balancing session or do a distance session on them while they sleep.  When we are through, not only do they report feeling "waaaay lighter", they actually LOOK different. The light comes back into their eyes and their faces seem more open.  They hold their head higher.  They smile again. 💕


Reiki is an amazing modality to get teens interested and active in as it teaches them a level of emotional intelligence, self-regulation and internal strength that most adults are still striving to obtain.  


Reiki is safe in any amount. It is a complementary modality that can support western medicine in various ways, but it is not intended to replace the care and/or treatment of a licensed medical or psychological professional.   

I see that you are also an animal reiki practitioner.  Why can't I book it online?

Animal Reiki is a very different animal from Human Reiki.  We need to speak with the owners prior to coming on-site, etc., which makes a consultation prior to booking necessary.  

All sessions are 100% ANIMAL LED.  I come to you within the Lower Mainland.

Do you teach Reiki Classes? 

Yes, I do.  However, due to Township Home Business License Rules and Regulations, I am not able to offer Group ReikiClasses, but I do offer Private Classes that take place over a 6-week period.   Click           for more information.  

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